About This Patience Thing!!



 Well hello again, Happy Wednesday!! 🙂 I am getting an earlier than normal start this morning. And, it is a beauty so far. 

Patience is a difficult concept to wrap your head around. If you stop to think about it (and I do!!) from the time we are children we are told we must be patient. We have to wait patiently for our Birthday, wait for Christmas, wait for our first big kid bike. Then we grow up and have to wait some more. We go to the bank and wait in line. We get to the Doctor’s office on time and have to wait well past our appointment just to get into the room so we can wait for the doctor :/ We want so eagerly for lifes moments to happen that it seems like time slows down on purpose to make us wait longer. Waiting is difficult, we are an instant society that has forgotten how to wait.

Patience is a lesson I have been struggling with lately. I have been feeling a real need to move forward on two different fronts that intertwine a bit but every time I speak to my guides they say “Be Patient” and “Soon”. I am an earth sign and being Patient is something I am pretty good at but, quite honestly I am also pretty tired of waiting. I just want to get going!!!

I think I have figured out this whole Patience lesson tho. 

Patience has absolutely nothing to do with the waiting. It has everything to do with the attitude you maintain and actions you take while you are waiting!!! I am amazed I didn’t figure this out sooner. All the circumstances that are involved in the forward movement must be lined up and ready to go. Like a row of domino’s. When everything is ready, that first piece will tip and everything will fall into place.

Everything is connected. We as humans are connected to every other human, animal, plant and drop of water on this planet. We are all created from the same Stardust by the same Godhead. For an event to happen ALL aspects of the event have to be ready at the same time!! So when my guides are telling me “Be Patient” and “Soon”, they are saying “Not everything is ready yet”. What a light bulb moment!! That makes me think that perhaps part of the issue could be me because I didn’t fully understand the purpose of Patience.

I have to be in the right headspace and the right spiritual place. If I go around grumbling about how nothing is going right and complaining about everything I want but don’t have, I obviously do not have the right attitude to take me where I want to go. How can I honestly expect the Godhead to give me more if I am not absolutely thankful for what I already have? Attitude Is Everything!! I have to say that generally I do have a very good attitude. Spiritually I am in a good place. I am awake and I see and understand, but I will admit I was a little slow on the uptake about this one!! 

I mentioned earlier that Patience has nothing to do with waiting. That is so true. This is perhaps the aspect I didn’t fully understand. Everything takes action. Waiting is an action. While we are waiting for the domino’s to line up there must be action! What we want isn’t going to happen all by itself. Consistant dedicated effort and belief in the goal is required. There is always something that can be done to move you closer to where you want to be. Some little thing maybe. Even a baby step is forward movement. Now that I think about it, there are a couple things I can do...

While I am being Patient…

Have a wonderful week. Blessed Be. 

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