Finding Normal

The last ten months have been quite a ride. There were days where I would go to Yeshoa and ask why me? I knew the answer he was going to give, and he was so incredibly loving every time I asked. It was karmic. I had a big lesson to learn. Some lessons are rough ones. I hope I got an A++ on the class because it’s not a lesson I care to repeat.

With most of the details of my Mothers transition taken care of now I am left trying to find a new normal. Big changes in our lives can leave us hanging and grasping for something to hold onto. Most of us eventually figure it out and find our footing again. For me this change feels different because I spent so much time caring for Mom and doing my best to help her transition with a level of dignity that she deserved. Now that she has gone home I am wondering what now?

The answer, of course, is to truly live and be happy; focus on healing my body, mind and spirit, and find my passions again. I am doing my emotional work and getting back into the groove of both my blogs as well as my other social media again. There are a couple of other irons in the fire that I am excited about. I have to say that after last years fiery one energy I am looking forward to the calmer growth and expansion of this years 11/2 energy.

I would like to give a big thank you to the small group of followers that have hung in there with me through this long absence. ❤ You guys are awesome and I appreciate you so much.

See you soon

Blessed Be ❤ Sharon

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