Today’s Daily Draw

This is pretty interesting. Yesterday Sharon had The Shaman and an earth card. Today the Queen of Disks, an earth card, came up and our bottom card is the Shaman. Our Queen is  the ultimate earth mother. She is very intelligent and intuitive but also never happier than when she is caring for the people she loves. Her message is to find a balance between our work and home lives.

Our bottom card, The Shaman, in this deck is the Hermit in more traditional decks and he is here to let us know that finding our balance is more than just making sure we’re not spending too much time at work. There are other questions that we might be asking ourselves and today our Shaman asks us to step away from the rushing and the day-to-day things we have to do and focus on what we fill our lives with. Are we spending our time on things that are truly valuable to us or are we filling our days with busy work? Is what we believe our truth or someone elses? Are these beliefs still valid for us? Spending some time alone can help us find a deeper understanding about what is important and what is our truth. This will help us gain a deeper insight of ourselves and a better balance.

Today’s Universal Number

Today is a One Day and this about beginnings and taking action to move ourselves forward. What a great energy for today!

Today’s Crystals

The crystals chosen for today are Labradorite and this is perfect because it is all about transformation. Chrysocolla helps us find our inner truth and bring us to a place of harmony.

Thank you BJ for today’s guest reading!

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